From May 11 to June 22, I will be living in Bangalore, India and Vasco de Gama, Goa, working for an organization called RR to serve and empower victims of sex-trafficking. During the six weeks, I will be teaching baking classes as well as administering lessons on health and nutrition, hoping to provide a loving space for learning, healing, and preparation for these women and their futures.


From June 30 to July 19, I will be serving at a mission hospital in Kapsowar, Kenya,with my family. For the three weeks we are there, I will be spending most of my time working in the hospital, but also making several visits to Kapchesewes orphanage to spend time with the 35 children who live there.

The Hydrangea

The Hydrangea
The hydrangea flower is a symbol of friendship, devotion, and understanding...and some say it represents all heartfelt and sincere emotions. My hope is to authentically love and sincerely serve the women in Bangalore, that friendships grounded in comfort and consolation would flourish over the six weeks. My hope is that the women I am serving in India would be filled with an abundance of hope...that despite the pain and brokenness and suffering of their past, that each one would know that they are absolutely beautiful and pure in God's sight, that they have worth and value that is beyond their wildest dreams, that they have the power to live new lives and be freed from the horror of their pasts. My heart longs to serve these women in a way that will empower them to bloom from roots of compassion and stems of courage, flourishing with hope for their futures.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

"Friends are the most important ingredient in this recipe of life."

This quote rings sooooo true to my heart--especially in the light of how precious my friends are!!! For the past week, Ive been planning a trip to Cumberland Transit to purchase a pair of Chacos but I was too busy to make it there! ... and last night, I was handed a bag with a brand new pair of chacos, a t-shirt, and 6-week underwear (I'm still trying to figure those out haha) from my friends!!!! As I told them last night, while their gifts equipped my body, their friendship has equipped my heart. More and more, I am convinced that people are the most important part of life---that they are WAY more important than money, activities, grades, careers---that relationships are the most valuable investment we can make.... that I want my life to be about my friends, making them smile, making sure they know how much I love them and how much they matter, and mostly, giving them hugs...BECAUSE:

Scientific Research has shown that "Every human being needs four hugs per day merely to survive. Eight hugs per day to maintain oneself at a strong emotional level. Twelve hugs per day to grow and become a better person." So never underestimate the value of a hug, or the value of making people feel loved.

One of my favorite quotes EVER is by Maya Angelou: "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

Peace. :)

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