From May 11 to June 22, I will be living in Bangalore, India and Vasco de Gama, Goa, working for an organization called RR to serve and empower victims of sex-trafficking. During the six weeks, I will be teaching baking classes as well as administering lessons on health and nutrition, hoping to provide a loving space for learning, healing, and preparation for these women and their futures.


From June 30 to July 19, I will be serving at a mission hospital in Kapsowar, Kenya,with my family. For the three weeks we are there, I will be spending most of my time working in the hospital, but also making several visits to Kapchesewes orphanage to spend time with the 35 children who live there.

The Hydrangea

The Hydrangea
The hydrangea flower is a symbol of friendship, devotion, and understanding...and some say it represents all heartfelt and sincere emotions. My hope is to authentically love and sincerely serve the women in Bangalore, that friendships grounded in comfort and consolation would flourish over the six weeks. My hope is that the women I am serving in India would be filled with an abundance of hope...that despite the pain and brokenness and suffering of their past, that each one would know that they are absolutely beautiful and pure in God's sight, that they have worth and value that is beyond their wildest dreams, that they have the power to live new lives and be freed from the horror of their pasts. My heart longs to serve these women in a way that will empower them to bloom from roots of compassion and stems of courage, flourishing with hope for their futures.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Live in the moment.

“Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered—how fleeting my life is. You have made my life no longer than the width of my hand. My entire lifetime is just a moment to you; at best, each of us is but a breath.” We are merely moving shadows, and all our busy rushing ends in nothing. We heap up wealth, not knowing who will spend it.
 And so, Lord, where do I put my hope? My only hope is in you.” Psalm 39:4-7

At church today, I stared into 80 pairs of little eyes that glistened with light…that despite their lives in the slums and all they’ve seen, sung their hearts out to the Lord, thanking Him and praising Him for His blessings. I watched them dance and clap and pray and testify to the way God has provided for them…

Jered gave a message on “Living in the moment,” and I felt more alive in that moment than I have in some time. In being reminded of the fragile nature of my life, I was filled with a fervency and urgency to be thankful for the very breath I was breathing, each beat of my heart, each second I was still alive. Every single breath is a gift—not something I deserve, not something that is infinite, and not something that I have control over. Each moment is a privilege, a piece of grace, an opportunity---a chance to live and love that I will never get back again. Each second of my existence has a purpose and a reason that is far bigger than me, far more important than my desires, far more significant than my plans.

But I have a choice. I can live each moment for me, or I can live it for eternity. I can live it with my selfish ambitions, or worry and fret over what I will do tomorrow, or run around “heaping up wealth” and concerning myself with things of this world like money, education, success, or beauty…or instead of being focused on my reputation, I can be focused on the One I represent, and why He has put me here: to be completely humble and gentle, patient, bearing with one another in love, to serve wholeheartedly and with thanksgiving, to be made alive through grace (Ephesians 4:2, 2:8).

I can live my life for me, or I can live it for others. And the only time I have to live—is NOW. I am not guaranteed tomorrow. So the decision lies in my hands. The answers to the questions are up to me:
Who will I live for?
What will I live for?
When will I start LIVING?


  1. Emily,
    I have poured over your moving words this morning as I can picture you in India loving on these sweet people around you. Their eyes...yes, I know what you mean. There is something so telling in their eyes. Frances and Hallie have pictures around their room of children from India and they talk about their eyes. I pray that they will see Jesus so clearly through you as you serve there. I pray for you as you take all of this in and work through the challenges of being exposed to the hurts of so many who need to know Him:)
    praying.....Cathy Heald

  2. So true. I've been thinking about this lately too, and you've presented it biblically and beautifully. Thanks for this

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. beautiful....!
    words couldnt be better ....cant explain what i am feeling inside me...i'm happy yet i'm sad...for all good things that could have been done..but never happened because of the selfish nature of man...not just man,even me...with every breath of life comes a different moment..and every moment has a different cannot change the purpose of your life or moment but the time you are able to explore this purpose or reoson...u'd see the lord himself in your heart...but be careful,as not always you see the purpose clearly,u see what you want to see, and thus, create a world of good luck with that,...
    And i know the blog above is not just words but what you felt....felt about the questions in your mind...but u have to realise that even though you wrote down your feelings...these words might change some minds....nd that can be your purpose...u might never know...but there is one thing you should always know and that is "you are here to serve the god even if you want or not,consciously or subconsciously, you are serving him...but you will definately find the happiness and satisfaction when you accept this reality...
    and i really admire you for what you felt....:)
    nd sorry to bug you if i did...hehe...:P
